Paper Pulp Machine
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Corrugated Paper Making Line

Leizhan corrugated cardboard stock preparation line contains pulping system(drum pulper, D type hydrapulper, vertical hydrapulper, etc.), cleaning system(high density and low density cleaner), screening system(mid consistency coarse and fine screen, inflow pressure screen, and so on.), refining system(double disc refiner, conical refiner, etc.)…

500Tpd Corrugated Cardboard Paper Machine

500Tpd corrugated cardboard paper machine use 5200/600 double layer wire paper machine to produce high strength corrugated paper, cardboard paper and t-paper, etc. Large capacity 500tpd corrugated cardboard paper machine for sale.

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Paper Pulp Making Machine Fiber Deflaker

Paper pulp making machine fiber deflaker is used for various kinds of fiber paper to dispersing and deflaking fiber. The fiber deflaker has the advantages of high quality, high efficiency and low energy consumption.

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Paper Making Bale Breaker

Waste paper recycling paper making plant bale breaking machine, paper making bale breaker for sale. Bale breaker is used for waste paper bales breaking and selecting, reduce the burden of the following equipment.

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2600 Flute Testliner Paper Making Machine

2600 flute testliner paper making machine is used to produce 80-220g/㎡ flute testliner paper. Leizhan offer whole set flute testliner paper pulping line machine and 2600 flute testliner paper making machine.

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5200 Double Layer Corrugated Paper Machine

Turnkey paper making project, 5200 double layer corrugated paper machine to make 400t/d corrugated paper. 5200 double layer corrugated paper machine specifications and parameters.

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3600mm Corrugated Paper Manufacturing Machine

3600mm corrugated paper manufacturing machine to produce 120t/d corrugated/ flute paper. Corrugated paper manufacturing machine unit supplier from China.

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Low Density Cleaner For Paper Mill

Waste paper recycling machine low density cleaner for paper mill. Low density cleaner is used to rmove heavy impurities in paper pulp. High efficiency, high quality and long service life.

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120T Cardboard Paper Roll Machine

3600mm three wires multi cylinder paper making machine is used for capacity 120t/d cardboard paper. Final product is cardboard paper roll. Contact us for more details for more details about cardboard paper roll machine.

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Equipment Making Fluting Corrugated Paper

Waste paper recycling equipment making fluting corrugated paper. Leizhan offer stock preparation line machine and fluting corrugated paper making machine.

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Paper Making Disc Refiner Malfunctions and Solutions

High efficiency and low energy consumption double disc refiner manufacturer, paper mill disc refiner is a critical equipment for high return pulping, do you want to get more pulp and reduce fiber loss? Contact us.

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